

At ClimbAID, we foster social inclusion and mental well-being through the power of climbing, creating networks and partnerships to reach those affected by war, poverty, and displacement. Stay connected with our latest projects, collaborations, events, and more by exploring the articles in this section, subscribing to our newsletter, and following us on social media.

Newsletter 12.2024 (FR)

ClimbAID en temps de changement Cher·es ami·es de ClimbAID, La Syrie est désormais libérée d’une dictature qui a brutalement opprimé le [...]

Newsletter 12.2024 (EN)

ClimbAID in Times of Change Dear friends of ClimbAID, Syria is free from a dictatorship that brutally oppressed the country for [...]

Newsletter 12.2024 (DE)

ClimbAID in Zeiten des Umbruchs Liebe Freund:innen von ClimbAID Syrien ist frei von einer Diktatur, die das Land über fünf Jahrzehnte [...]

MaxiFamily Boulder Weekend 2024 (DE)

MaxiFamily Boulder Weekend 2024 (DE) Mohammad Ali Hikmati (Bern) und Olha Pohoida (Zürich) schildern ihre persönlichen Erlebnisse, die sie am diesjährigen [...]

MaxiFamily Boulder Weekend 2024 (EN)

MaxiFamily Boulder Weekend 2024 (EN) Mohammad Ali Hikmati (Bern) and Olha Pohoida (Zurich) share their personal experiences from this year's Boulder [...]

Climb With Us!

ClimbAID runs project in several Swiss cities and Lebanon.

Please get in touch with us by filling in the form below.

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